Trisscar replied

616 weeks ago


  • It is a stand alone, full-sized expansion taking place on the continent of Ulbuka, in the city isle of Adoulin.
  • The continent is west of Quon, across the Zafmlug sea. This will likely require a special pass for a special ship, that likely will depart from Selbina.
  • Much of the continent is untamed wilderness, players are challenged to make their mark on it. It will be more like taking campaign areas then like besieged.
  • It will add two trade guilds that are for adventuring rather than crafting. The two guilds are (tentavely) the Information and Protection guilds.


  • It will not take place in the near east, hardly surprising there.
  • Since it is a stand-alone, you don't need any other expansions installed (unlike the add-ons).


  • Rumors suggest that the new endgame will involve new wyrms, eight in total with each of the eight representing one of the eight elements. Plausibilty: Extremely low. In all honesty this sounds like wishful thinking on part of the 'hardcores', the 1% of players who want old school world spawn HNM back. Seeing how Square is moving towards endgame events that are actually challenging and is more accessible, I don't see this happening.
  • According to already established lore about the continent, the dragon family is more uncommon than rare, Adoulin has a library rivaling Windurst,and Dragoons have a more heavily established presence than anywhere else. Plausibilty: low. Let's face it, Square doesn't exactly have a good track history of having consistent storylines that stays true to established lore. Just look at WotG for crying out loud.
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